NDB Shilpa Children's Savings

A gift for play and gift for study from NDB Shilpa Children's Savings Account.


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As a parent or guardian you want nothing but the best for your child and will always strive to save for their future while also instilling a savings habbit in them. This is why we offer exciting gifts and a bonus interest for fixed monthly deposits as a rewarding experience for you and your child. 


Account Balance -LKR





School Bag


Skate Board / Doll


Smart Watch / Organ /Gift voucher of Rs.1,000/- from Sarasavi /DSI / Abans /Singer /Tomahawk


Remote Control Helicopter / Scooter / Melodica / Gift voucher of Rs.3,000/- from Sarasavi /DSI / Abans /Singer /Tomahawk


Gift voucher of Rs.4,500/- from Sarasavi /DSI / Abans /Singer /Tomahawk


Gift voucher of Rs.9,000/- from Sarasavi /DSI /Abans /Singer /Tomahawk


Gift voucher of Rs. 12,000/- from Sarasavi /DSI / Abans /Singer /Tomahawk


A Gift voucher of Rs.15,000/- from Sarasavi /DSI /Abans /Singer /Tomahawk


A Gift voucher of Rs.25,000/- from Sarasavi /DSI /Abans /Singer /Tomahawk 


A Gift voucher of Rs.75,000/- from Sarasavi /DSI / Abans /Singer /Tomahawk

*Gift vouchers will be given to purchase the above items or the voucher value can be credited to the account.


Gifts for Lumpsum Deposits 

Account Balance -LKR


Gift voucher of Rs.6,500/- from Sarasavi / DSI / Abans / Singer /Tomahawk 



  • Account holders of 15 years and below will be eligible for the Gift Scheme
  • The account holder is entitled to a free hospitalization cover whereby Rs.2,500/- per day shall be paid in the event of the account balance reaching Rs.20,000/- However the total amount payable shall be subject to a maximum amount of Rs.225,000 /- per annum
  • In the event the account holder is admitted to the intensive care unit of a hospital , the above benefit on hospitalisation per day shall be doubled. However the total amount payable will be subject to a maximum amount of Rs.225,000 per anum. 
  • Please note the above shall be applicable only after the account holder reaches one year (01) of age and for hospital stays of not less than two (02) nights
  • In the event the account balance reaches Rs. 20,000/- the parent /guardian (who has signed the mandate) of the account holder shall be entitled to a free life insurance cover and a permanent disability cover amounting to Rs.50,000/-
  • In the event the account balance reaches 50,000/- , the above benefit to the parent/guardian shall be doubled.  
  • Standing orders will be placed free of charge for money transfers from parent's/guardian's NDB Account to NDB Children's Savings Account
  • Special rewards for your child`s performance at the Grade 5 Scholarship Exam
  • Special rewards for your Child’s performance at G.C.E O/L exam.
  • Minimum monthly deposit of Rs.1,000 is required to be eligible for bonus interest

  *Terms & conditions apply

Grade 5 Scholarship Exam


Cash Reward Amount

All island 1st to 5th Place Rs. 100,000/- each
All island 6th to 10th Place Rs.  50,000/- each
Marks above 175 Rs.   5,000/- each


  • Such amounts will be credited to the child`s savings account.
  • To be eligible for the cash reward the account balance should carry a minimum of Rs.500/- in the account as at date of the exam.
  • Relevant proof of documentation from the Education Department should be submitted with the application.
  • Adherence to the Shilpa account `savings pledge` commitement as agreed is a pre-requisite to be eligble for this recognition programme.




G.C.E O/L Examination


No of Rewards

Value of Scholarships

All island 1st place



All island 2nd  place



All island 3rd  place



All island 4th place



All island 5th  place to 10thplace


50,000/- each

* A minimum account balance of Rs 20,000/- or more to be maintained in the account before the exam to be eligible

More details
  • Account can be opened by parents/guardian for children between 1 day and - 18 years of age
  • Account can be opened with initial deposit of Rs. 2,500/-
  • Account holders of 15 years and below will be eligible for the gift scheme

What you’ll need 

  • Parent’s/Guardian’s National Identity Card
  • Child’s Birth Certificate


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